Brigham had a great time playing soccer this year, as always. He has been playing for over 5 years now.
He usually plays defense, his favorite position.
At the start of the season it was very hot, but towards the end it got quite blustry on a few occasions: lightning, thunder, rain, cold. The games were at 5pm, or 6:30pm, or 8pm and lasted almost two hours with practice beforehand, half-time, and two 40 minute halves. Often we brought drinks, a few times we even had dinner on the sidelines.
Often he could really concentrate and kick with power. He scored one goal and almost made several others. (Remember that he almost always played back as defender, so this was quite an achievement for all of us!)
We played all of our games on the same field in Payson. Brigham was #1.
Their shirts are reversible - they can either be blue or yellow. His team, the Cheetahs, came in sixth place in the league. They won eight games and lost two and got to compete in two championship games.
The only problem is that the season here is only about six weeks long... it is too short!
Created: 29 Sep 2006 Modified: 29 Sep 2006